Capacity Building Workshop on Coastal Waste Management

September 30th, 2021 | 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. IST

Virtual Event



countries (OECD, 2020). Increases in population and industrialization have resulted in the generation of huge quantities of waste. In total, the world generates around 2 billion tons of solid waste annually, at least 33% of which are not properly managed in an environmentally safe manner. Due to improper waste management and various human activities, approximately 8 million tons of plastic waste are added to the oceans each year (UNEP, 2017). ‍ Sri Lanka has a coastline of about 1,340 km which contains lagoons, rivers, bays, estuaries, mangroves, beaches, coral reefs, and many other important habitats (Arachchige et al., 2017). About 56.7% of the country’s population lives in coastal districts, and the coastal zone has seen large-scale development and urbanization over the past few decades (Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka, 2012). Therefore, a steady increase in waste generation together with limited management capacities and associated adverse impacts has been observed in urban areas. For Sri Lanka, available information indicates that the total amount of solid waste generated is about 9,000 tons per day (0.40 kg per day per capita). Poorly managed inland solid waste, organic and non-organic waste from fishery harbors and aquaculture activities, sewage discharge, urban stormwater runoff, and toxic and hazardous chemicals in industrial or hospital waste and effluents are identified as major sources of pollution in Sri Lanka's coastal zone. ‍ Youth as future change-makers of a society can play a major role in ensuring clean and thriving coastal ecosystems. However, identifying the current need in managing the waste in coastal ecosystems and building youth capacities on proper waste management practices is vital. ‍ This capacity-building programme is organized under SLYCAN Trust’s Blue-Green Protectors Programme and the project ‘Addressing Climate Change and Uplifting Marginalized Coastal Communities through Mangrove Restoration,’ which is supported by Mitsubishi Corporation. The event focuses on building capacities on holistic approaches of waste management in coastal areas, sustainable methods of coastal waste management, and generation of livelihood opportunities through sustainable waste management.


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